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Format trial activated USB for clean install?

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Hi! Long time user and lurker :)


My trusty x3500 M3 server has been acting up so I decided to build a new server and transfer my data. 


I was wondering if I'll be able to request another trial key if I were to format my USB key within the 30 day trial?


Will be activate again or throw an error and prevent me from setting up the new disks? 


I setup my USB key 3 days ago and used the request key feature to do some test new hardware as well as what sort of plugins and dockers I'll be using.


I'm happy with my setup but since I did a lot of testing the clean freak in me would prefer to start with a clean USB key. I know I can use the USB key as is but I'd love to start with a clean install. Is this possible or do I need to request a new trial using another key.


I hope this made sense! 


My plan after I setup my new rig is transfer my data, followed by registration 





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15 minutes ago, 8bitdaze said:

I was wondering if I'll be able to request another trial key if I were to format my USB key within the 30 day trial?


Will be activate again or throw an error and prevent me from setting up the new disks? 

Just use the same .key file stored in /config


16 minutes ago, 8bitdaze said:

would prefer to start with a clean USB key.

You can always delete the contents of /config (sans the .key file)

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