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Adding populated disks from another server?


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Guts, put me on the right track. I have two systems both with data. I want to roll them up so shut down server1 and moved drives into server2. All ok, disks recognised as unassigned devices so I stopped server2 array and assigned the first of the three extra disks from server1 to the next available slot. What happened next is the problem with the system saying 'all existing data will be overwritten on array startup'. This scares me as I do NOT want the drives overwritten. I do know that I need to be "new config' ing somewhere in all of this but chose to pull out due to this message about data being overwritten. What's the correct procedure to add these drives without overwriting the data from server1?? 

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New configged BEFORE re-assignment did the trick.


I'm a bit concerned however that a parity check of my system takes 21hrs (dual parity, 8 data drives, a mix of 6-8TB.

Presumably my system is at risk for the duration, yes?

So, in the event that any drives go down during a parity check what's a tried and tested way of identifying what i've lost?

Are there any plugins that can create an effective directory structure of each disk and store it safely?

Just thought about this as i'm sitting waiting for a parity check (currently at 91%) to finish without incident.

And ... had i thought about this before i kicked off the last round of 'rolled up'  data disks from an old server i might have gone the whole hog and put all 5 drives into the system instead of just the t3into2 enclosure i added and as there's still 2 to go and that'll mean another FULL parity check!

Oh no, big error eh!

But i'd feel a whole lot better if i had a catalogue of what's where in place for the time when 'parity check goes rogue', it's bound to happen sooner or later.

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