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Cannot click buttons on http://tower


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I booted up unraid os using my usb. then I went on another pc in my network and typed in http://tower then unraid opens but Its not letting me click anything or change any settings. I went into the windowed mode on my server pc and it worked but I don't have a third graphics card slot to use. I wanted to virtualize my pc for gaming with my only 2 graphics cards and not use the windowed os and use my network to control unraid. Please help me. it says system notifications disabled idk if that has anything to do with it.

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Thank you. It actually worked. Now im stuck again >,<     

When i start up my vm one starts and loads up windows. Then the second vm the screen just goes blank. I only have 2 graphics cards. I guess you need the 3rd graphics card in order for it to work since unraid uses one. I read they passthrough or something or go headless. I tried going headless and i turn the pc on and unraid goes to the loading screen. I click the top one and go to my laptop and go to tower and start array and run vm and it still just goes to a black screen. Can you please help me figure it out.

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