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Unraid Crashing and I'm trying to diagnose


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So every few weeks, usually 1 to 3 weeks my Unraid will crash and when it does I can't get the logs from it. 


Basically all my dockers crash, I can't see Unassigned Drives, the UI still works for the most part, shares are still up and running. The problem is when I try to get diagnostics it just sits there and spins. Eventually I have to do Powerdown -r twice to get it to reset. 


I am still running Unraid 6.6.7 due to SQL database issue, not sure if that's still an issue but it scared me enough that I didn't update.


I am running the NVIDIA Unraid version that allows Plex to transcode using a GPU, not sure if that matters but I thought I'd add it.


During this time when I look at the syslog it has a bunch of repeating kernel errors

Sep 25 09:39:19  kernel: Status code returned 0xc000006d STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
Sep 25 09:39:19  kernel: CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -13

It is actually doing it right now and always seems to be, not sure if that could take it down but I went ahead and added my current diagnostics in case you see something that could potentially lead to the failure.


So basically do you see anything that's a tell tail sign in the logs? Is there anyway to get diagnostics another way when it happens? I've tried the UI and SSH.


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10 minutes ago, Squid said:

Is one of your remote SMB mounts going offline / sleeping / restarting / etc?  //TOWER //WORKHORSE?



They shouldn't be. Tower is an Unraid server that's always running, and Workhorse is windows 10 but I've told it not to sleep and I've never come back to it sleeping.


I have had problems in the past where if I take down one of my Unraid servers Unassigned drives will crash on the other Unraid server and freeze it up. I'll do it now just to see if its still happening.

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24 minutes ago, Squid said:

Is one of your remote SMB mounts going offline / sleeping / restarting / etc?  //TOWER //WORKHORSE?



Ok I'm back, its Unassigned drives. I took down one Unraid, stopped array, now the other Tower is sitting there spinning it's wheels. 


I now cannot stop Tower, it says Stopping Services, and I can't download diagnostics just says please wait. 

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