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Segregating VMs from Array

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Good day, looking for some advice/recommendation. I have a number of vms running of the cache drive; which is also running dockers. The Vms are passed to AMD and Nvidia cards; for the most part it's stable but every now and then when windows throws an update it breaks the vm which in turn breaks everthying!

As a side note I must say Unraid's rebuilding capability is fantastic. This little scenario has corrupted a data drive (rebuilt); the parity drive (rebuilt) and even the OS usb (rebuilt). I've been able to recover everthing every time.


Anyway I think I'm pressing my luck, so I thought about moving all the vms onto an unassigned device and was looking for some feedback/experience.


I understand it cant be completely isolated as the vm service wont start without the array, but if I moved all vm associated files/directories away, I pressume I'm mitigating the risk significantly?


Thank you.

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2 hours ago, juan11perez said:

Good day, looking for some advice/recommendation. I have a number of vms running of the cache drive; which is also running dockers. The Vms are passed to AMD and Nvidia cards; for the most part it's stable but every now and then when windows throws an update it breaks the vm which in turn breaks everthying!

As a side note I must say Unraid's rebuilding capability is fantastic. This little scenario has corrupted a data drive (rebuilt); the parity drive (rebuilt) and even the OS usb (rebuilt). I've been able to recover everthing every time.


Anyway I think I'm pressing my luck, so I thought about moving all the vms onto an unassigned device and was looking for some feedback/experience.


I understand it cant be completely isolated as the vm service wont start without the array, but if I moved all vm associated files/directories away, I pressume I'm mitigating the risk significantly?


Thank you.

I do not think that running from a UD drive will affect stability in any way.

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1 minute ago, juan11perez said:

@itimpi thank you for your note. Apologies if i'm not following. So is your opinion that moving to UD wont improve the situation? If that's the case can you offer any suggestion? Thank you again

All that change does is move the files to another drive, and do not affect stability.   It would only be worth doing if you wanted to reduce the I/O load or the space used on the cache drive.


No idea what might improve your stability I am afraid.

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