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A bit overwhelmed at sonarr setup, something that should be simple!


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So I've watched the spaceinvader one setup guide for sonarr. But I'm just a bit overwhelmed. I read about things being slow and terrible if you get your mappings wrong across dockers and it causes writes mutiple times. but nothing I've got going lines up with the stuff in the video. Binhex sonarr isn't showing remotely the same mappings and the folders I need arent even there in the structure.


Not to mention I'm trying to migrate from a sonar install on my current Win10 HTPC... that's another layer of complexity...


If i set up a new share it goes to the /user directory, so how do I set up an actaull TV directory under my media share and then point docker to it making sure it's not going to trigger this whole multiple transfer/writes nonsense? Do I simply create a new folder in the media folder with Krusader or Via my laptop (read write access to shared folder).


I thought I was reasonably technically competent. This is schooling me :) I haven't even got close to nextcloud or reverse proxys or anything like that which I'd love at some point. First step, make this a media server, both for Kodi to map the shared drives and Plex to serve it to family.

Any help and guidance would be much apprecieated!

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