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GTX 1080 no display after reboot

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Hi I'm relatively new to Unraid and so far have had a good experience. I've created a gaming VM as my main computer with an EVGA GTX 1080 SC and been fine with it for several months now. Only recently my windows installation corrupted and I had to re-install my VM. But now with any VM I create the GTX will not display after a reset. It seems to get stuck and I can't even remotely connect. At first I thought it was a bad driver and installed an older driver but it happens no matter what I have installed. The only way so far has been to reboot the entire system (Unraid server) in order to get the GTX to display again. I run Minecraft and other game servers on the machine and I don't want to have to restart those every time windows requires an update/reboot or an application restarts my VM.

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Yea it is strange. I don't remember updating the server or making any other changes. The only thing I may have changed is placing the VM files (domain) on a cache drive but as far as I remember this issue occurred before; and placing it on a cache drive was one of my attempts to fix the issue. I have attached my diagnostics log to this reply. I have a Linux Minecraft server and some other docker/apps running as well just so your aware of those extra things. I really appreciate anything you can offer to help so thanks.


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  • 6 months later...

This has been a problem for me since I installed around 2 years ago. I'm running 2 Nividia 550 Tis, one with ubuntu the other with windows. It was a problem for both VMs.


Just recently (never try as it never worked) I accidentally rebooted the windows machine rather than shutdown and it rebooted properly. Tried the ubuntu one and it still black screens / does not boot (who knows).


As such I believe it is an issue with Ubuntu not releasing the card before rebooting, I recall reading something to that effect originally when I discovered the issue.

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