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Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout

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I pulled a 10TB drive from a WD Elements that I picked up on a Black Friday deal. I finally got around to adding it (physically) to my server a few days ago. It showed up as an unassigned device, and I went ahead and ran the pre clear plugin on it. A few days later, I get the notice that it passed the pre clear checks, and I'm ready to add it to my array. I went ahead and tried to do that, but I keep getting the following error:


Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout


I can go to the Array Operation tab, and the FORMAT option for this device (sdb) is greyed out. I can check off the box to format all unmountable devices. When doing so, the FORMAT button becomes active, and I can click it. When I do that, the page states that it is formatting the drive for a few seconds, then it reverts to the original screen listing the drive as an unmountable device, with the FORMAT option available.


Not sure what I did wrong, but I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.


I'm running Version: 6.6.7


Log file attached.




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Thanks for the reply. I wound up putting the array into maintenance mode, and tried for format the new drive again. It looks like it wound up working that time. I was able to add the new drive to the array.


I'm wondering if there is a utility to check the drive that I could run to make sure that everything is okay. I did check the drive before I removed it from the case by connecting it to my Windows machine via USB. It passed all of the tests, so I figured that it was okay to shuck the drive.

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The format issue wasn't because of any problem with the disk, GTP just needed refreshing:

Dec 10 17:18:51 DLVTOWER root: Creating new GPT entries.
Dec 10 17:18:51 DLVTOWER root: Warning: The kernel is still using the old partition table.
Dec 10 17:18:51 DLVTOWER root: The new table will be used at the next reboot or after you
Dec 10 17:18:51 DLVTOWER root: run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8)
Dec 10 17:18:51 DLVTOWER root: The operation has completed successfully.

That's why a reboot would fix it, but if you want to test the disk a parity check (non correct) is a good test, alternatively run an extended SMART test.



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Thanks. I should have looked through the logs a little closer....might have caught that the GPT needed refreshing....lesson learned.


I'll see about running an extended SMART test....or I'll wait until the scheduled parity check runs at the beginning of January.


Thanks again for your help.

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