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Array disk now appearing unassigned

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A data drive suddenly disappeared and I don't know why. 


I have 5 drives:

8gb parity

240gb SSD cache

6TB data

4TB data

8TB data


The 6TB drive, after a reboot, showed up in "unassigned devices." With the array in maintenance mode, I can mount the drive and see the data on it. If I mount and add it to the array, the array thinks it's a new device and will erase and rebuild the missing data (that's not missing).


1. Why would this suddenly happen? 

2. How can I add it back to the array without losing data?


Edited by TacoBlackHole
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58 minutes ago, trurl said:

Do you have Syslog Server setup so you can get us the logs from before the reboot?


Was that disk recently added/replaced?

Ok, I think I have an idea what happened. I have this seagate 6TB drive. I moved some drives around in the case to put them on an SAS HBA card. But the spot in the case was short on power plugs so I used an SATA splitter. I starved one of the drives of power and then it just crapped errors everywhere. Unfortunately I think it might have zapped some of the parity drive too. Now I can't get the array to stop to see if I can plop the drive back in though I've moved some power plugs around. The whole thing is kind of fubar now, but I'm currently copying the emulated contents to a known good drive to salvage what I can before going any further.

Edited by TacoBlackHole
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