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how you find out what CPU is doing at Idling as its 76% throttling


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hi I was having issues with my plex etc.. and trying to get this CPU pinning to work right  but its not 

but I turned off all vms and doctors.. and yet CPU 0/4  is still throttling  up to 76 percent.. and I read that's what unraid uses that cpu..

but why it is running high  is it the plugins and dockers then?  

and how do I put more cpus to plex  or least to know plex is using them


but ya  not sure why I having slowness and issues with  unraid since the update and I cant figure it out


and does anyone know why STOP button never works for VMS   I always have to FORECE STOP for windows    the STOP button never ever works to I guess do a normal shut down

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Hi, you can download netdata docker, it ll show you everything you need. I had problems with my plex server, which really helped me was to configure my cpu core. Plex CPU 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 All my other CPU dockers 9/10 so like that all my power is dedicated to my plex server. You can configure cpu if you enable the advanced option in the docker.



Edited by nicecube
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ok thanks ill give it a try  

as I currently have  4 core intel 3820 cpu and I pined  plex and isolations 2 3 4  and then  fix common issues complains I pinned 3 cores to plex 

as I read and watch core 1  goes to unraid 

but ya I turned off all dockers vms and core one fluxates  from 0 to 80%


as I wanna build a new case and cpu  for my unraid  a 24 bay that can handle 2-6 streams to tvs in the house  and not have any slow down  so working on upgrade but just dealing with this as I been finding plex slow or choppy at times


but ill check this app out to add thanks

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my message never sent earlier I see...  so just posted... so I took some screen shots

but trying to figure it out … ad Idle you see my cpu is using 59%    is that from the Pluggins   I took a few screens but still trying to understand  like softirqs

and it shows system and user use the most cpu  at idle  20-40%







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this was the screen shot I took of applications  not sure what other is?  and this is with dockers shut off  but im sure the other must be the plugins  I have installed

but haven't found yet specific section that shows each app  like taskmanager will show this file is sucking this much cpu and ram

maybe this program doesn't  but sure does show a lot of graphing which is cool  and you can see my pinning  that I thought was correct but im guessing its wrong...  as I isolated  2 3 4 from unraid  so it goes directly to plex and 2 vms  which you don't see




Edited by comet424
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and here I enabled plex and watching 1 stream,.,, it sure uses 100% of the second core those  figured it split it up  .. but ill tinker around this netdata see whats hogging the cpu and try to fix plex as I find it buffers a lot at time and hangs  so figured maybe an app is hogging more cpu  …  maybe ill find it in the netdata app


Edited by comet424
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