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(SOLVED) Support for split level selection


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I'm building the first UNRAID server and I would like to make sure that I have understood correctly how split level works.

My build consists of 4-6 4tb data disks and one 4tb parity disk. There will be two shares on the server which will be assigned to all data disks.

Each share will be used to store photos in the following structure:
        year folder 1
              day folder 1
                     image files
              day folder 2
                     image files
        year folder 2
              day folder 1
                     image files
              day folder 2
                    image files

The goal would be that shares, year folders, and day folders to be freely placed on any disk, but images from a given day would always be on the same disk.

If I understand correctly split level should be in this case level 3. Is this correct?

Edited by HenriH
Mark post solved.
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1 hour ago, HenriH said:

If I understand correctly split level should be in this case level 3. Is this correct?

As was said you should go for level 2.    If you think of the Split Level as the depth that can occur on multiple disks you realise that you only want the share and year to be on multiple disks.    Once a day folder is created you want that folder and it’s contents to be constrained to the drive where the day folder is first created.

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