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PCIe x1 Video Card for Kodi


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I would like to run Kodi on my Win10 VM.  Not to play video, just to do database additions/corrections remotely.   Would any PCIe x1 Video Card allow me to do it?   One x1 slot is all I have left open on my motherboard.  (x16 and x1 are taken for SATA and USB.)   What's a good x1 video card to get?   And I assume I'd get a side benefit of audio playback over HDMI from the video card for programs like Winamp too, no?  

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4 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

Kodi assumes you are going to play video, it doesn't know you only want to do database maintenance. 


Maybe this would work? https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=59800

Well it says Frodo/Gotham compatible, and Leia is the current version....  The top most post was written in 2011 and updated 2014.  And the download link page doesn't have the executable.

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