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Router outgoing activity


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I noticed my hard drive was a little active so I decided to see what was going on with my router.  I noticed in the outgoing logs that I have the following which I have no idea what it means exactly.  Is this something I should be concerned about?

192.xxx.1.101 www

192.xxx.1.101 https

192.xxx.1.101 www

192.xxx.1.101 www

192.xxx.1.101 https


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If those are from the outgoing log, it Looks like web traffic originating from whatever machine is at on your internal network and the destination being the other IP address.  www is standard web traffic on port 80, and https is encrypted web traffic on port 443.

  • resolves to nightingale.dotcolo.com
  • does not have a reverse dns entry but is in the - which is owned by Microsoft
  • is in the - block owned by Ezri Inc in Los Gatos CA but it's nameservers are listed as imageshack.us so I would assume they are affiliated.


If is the address of your unRAID box it might warrant a little more investigation, if a regular machine Windows/Mac/Linux has that IP, it's probably just web traffic.

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Hmmm why would imageshack.us be outgoing?  I've used them in the past for free image hosting.  Don't see why there would be anything outgoing to them...I have no idea what nightingale.docolo.com is.  I'll have to check the ip address of my server.  I have a feeling it's just one of my regular windows machines.

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I think you are perhaps misunderstanding how firewall logs work.


whilst you might be viewing a picture form a website the log that is made is on the request for that picture. i.e. from you to them. there will be no log from them to you in this scenario

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