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Parity drive went "disabled" then Drive 4 went "Unmountable..."

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**Noob Alert**

First time using unRAID. I installed a brand new system a week ago. Everything was fine and I started to copy about 3TB of files.

A couple days in, the parity drive went into a disabled state.

The next day Drive 4 went into an "Unmountable: No File System" state. 

I am hesitant to touch anything and I don't really know what I am doing. 

The HDDs are WD Reds that have been in a box for about a year, unused. Initial SMART tests and initial installation showed everything was fine.

Unfortunately the logs were captured after a reboot.

Please help. Thank you in advance.


pearl-diagnostics-20200102-2029.zip pearl-syslog-20200103-0431.zip pearl-smart-20200102-2032.zip

Edited by twentyseven
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3 hours ago, twentyseven said:

Unfortunately the logs were captured after a reboot.

We can't see the problem but 2 SATA ports are set to IDE, and it's known to cause problems with those AMD chipsets, so first thing to do would be to change them to AHCI (Microserver might need a BIOS update for that), and not surprising the disabled disk is using one of those ports.

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19 minutes ago, twentyseven said:

Thank you. I have the latest BIOS available. I am able to change the SATA Controller Mode to IDE, AHCI, or RAID. It is set to AHCI. It seems peculiar that 2 of them would be IDE and and the others AHCI. When the boot up screen comes it labels each HDD as AHCI (AHCI port 0, AHCI port 1, etc.)


Check that you do not have 2 disk controllers on the motherboard (which is quite common) and if so that they are both set to use AHCI

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There are two ports on the motherboard. One port is a proprietary cable that connects to 4 of the HDDs, the other cable is a regular SATA cable that connects to the parity drive. I highly doubt that there are 2 controllers. The BIOS also does no have more than one setting to set the SATA Controller Mode. How did you determine that there are 2 drives set to IDE? I am attaching a screen shot of the initial boot screen. It seems to mirror the BIOS seetings that the 4 main HDDs are set to AHCI. Could it be something int he software that is misinterpreting the BIOS settings?


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Just one more thing, I don't remember if the modded BIOS was need for IDE/AHCI or just for more than SATA1 speeds on those ports, I've had several of those servers running Unraid, but it's been a few years since I've sold them all, so not sure, might be worth looking in the current BIOS for the ports 5/6 settings first, or read the thread on those servers, info is certainly there but it could be hard to find since thread is huge.



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Thank you for all your help. I appreciate it. Seems like a Proliant Microserver is not the best system for unRAID. Moded BIOS and the time it will take for me to get to a spot where I would feel comfortable with my data on unRAID (if possible) seems too much at this point. I may install it on another hardware setup or go another route.


Are you able to tell me if there is a way to get the "Unmountable" disk mounted with the system BIOS as it is now (i.e. with 2 HDDs set as IDE), and accessible in order to to just copy the data off the machine? 

Does the file system allow me to just mount the HDD individually to see the data in order to copy it using a USB HDD mount?


Thanks again.



Edited by twentyseven
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11 hours ago, twentyseven said:

Are you able to tell me if there is a way to get the "Unmountable" disk mounted with the system BIOS

Wilh all the focus on the parity disk I didn't even looked at disk4, sorry for that, disk4 is failing, that's why it got unmountable.


Because parity is disable you can't simply let Unraid do it's thing and rebuild, there are basically two options here:


1) If nothing else was changed/copied to the array after parity got disabled we can force enable parity to rebuild disk4 to a new disk (ideally after changing the SATA controller to AHCI, but could also try as is)


2) Use ddrescue to clone disk4 to a new good disk then run xfs_repair if needed.


If parity is still valid and you want to try option 1 let me now and I'll post the instructions, don't forget you need a new disk.

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Seems like a Proliant Microserver is not the best system for unRAID.

Oh, and the Microserver goes very well with Unraid, like I mentioned I had several a few years ago, and they worked very well, only upgraded because they got too small for my needs, but they do need modding if you want to use more than just the standard 4 disk slots, but it's very easy, just upgrade the BIOS and use the correct setting for the disk controller, I don't remember exactly what was needed but if you post on the Microserver thread I linked above you'll get help for sure.



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9 minutes ago, twentyseven said:

Is it normal for a disk to completely fail like that?

It's not completely failed, it likely has just a few bad sectors (SMART shows a couple of pending sectors, but this number can get much larger after a full disk scan, it can also remain the same), but due to some bad luck one or more and in the metadata zone and those read errors made xfs unable to mount the disk, it's usually also not possible to fix the filesystem with xfs_repair on a failing disk, unless the errors go way, you can try if you want, nothing to lose:




Remove -n or nothing will be done and use -L if asked, but likely will get an i/o error.

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