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0.6.8 VM GUI is not loading


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The VMs screen no longer loads after a crash. It hangs with the unraid loading screen. Screenshot below and diagnostics attached. Is there something else I can test?


After each reboot I have this:



I checked from the command line and it shows nothing running, but expected since I removed libvirt.img for testing:

root@Tower:~# virsh list --all
 Id   Name   State


Stopped VM manager > reverted to original libvirt > started vm manager

root@Tower:~# cd /mnt/user/system/
root@Tower:/mnt/user/system# ls
docker/  libvirt/  libvirt_orig/
root@Tower:/mnt/user/system# mv libvirt libvirt_testing
root@Tower:/mnt/user/system# mv libvirt_orig libvirt
root@Tower:/mnt/user/system# virsh list --all
 Id   Name               State
 1    pfSense            running
 -    Development        shut off
 -    Taxes Windows 10   shut off
 -    Ubuntu 18          shut off
 -    Windows 10.1       shut off

Result: Same spinning VM screen


Some things I tested while trying to resolve:

  1. Upgraded from 6.7.2 to 6.8
  2. Moved from DHCP to static IP since after 6.8 I couldn't get an IP for whatever reason
  3. pfsense is running externally while trying to resolve. Usually runs as a VM




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