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couple issues after upgrade to 6.8.0

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I am new to unRAID and had my server up and running without issue for a couple months. I had some free time a couple weeks ago and wanted to move the last thing from my QNAP which is my Acronis backup location. I logged in to unRAID to setup a share for the backups and noticed 6.8.0 was available so I upgraded to it. Got upgraded and created my share no problem.  I then went to change the Acronis save destination and it asked for user/pass for share, so I created one for each PC and got Acronis backing up. A couple days later I had an issue with my PC connecting to a share, but really didn't have time to investigate. The following day another PC had an issue with Quickbooks backup not being able to connect to its share. A quick Google search and I found how to change the credentials in Windows to use the user/pass I created and updated all PC's. Well a day later and Quickbooks backup on a different PC spit out an error about not being able cleanup backups (it deletes older  backups after so many) and this is when I discovered that the files being wrote with -rw-rw----+ instead of -rw-rw-rw-. I can run both "Docker Safe New Perms" and "New Permissions" and the current files will be corrected, all new file are still being wrote with wrong. I removed all but Root user/pass and reset Windows credentials to nobody, but these files are also being wrote incorrectly. I also tried to roll back to 6.7.2. I am still getting new writes of -rw-rw----+, but it did solve the issues of being able to connect to my shares from my PC's. A Windows VM running on this server also had issues connecting to the shares and same permissions issues. But its credentials was never changed and only runs FileZilla FTP with it's users location pointed to a share. My shares are public and exported. I am out of ideas.


Fix Common Problems - Extended Test example: 

/mnt/user/shares/Company Files/Quickbooks/El*****/El********** (Backup Jan 04,2020  10 50 AM).QBB  nobody/users (99/100)  0660


And the result of "ls -lah" for above file:

-rw-rw----+ 1 nobody users 110M Jan  4 10:51 El********** (Backup\ Jan\ 04,2020\ \ 10\ 50\ AM).QBB


I have also attached diagnostics..


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