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Moving from trial to paid - mozilla forced update in the middle of shift

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Totally noobie here. I installed the trial version on a new (to me) used motherboard and hard drives (4x4TB) server I built. SInce I was getting a errors on one of the hard drives I decided to just let it run in for a while since I'm in no here to start transferring data (call it a learning run). I decided to purchase and received a registration key. While installing the key, mozilla decided it needed to update and did before I could save and now I can't login on the monitor attached to the server. I've tried every user/password I normally use and can't get past the UNRAID login screen. Accessing the server via the "http://tower" from one of my desktop units allows me in but still shows my registration as trial. I would appreciate recommendations on direction to proceed. I need to be able to access the server from attached monitor at least until I'm comfortable with the OS but I figured I seek some experienced assistance before using the brute force approach. 

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