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Pre-install repositories (community and docker)

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I would like a way to add reposities to unRaid before first boot.. primarily I would like to have the community repository installed... Could be a checkbox when creating the USB in your tool or a config file on the USB.. secondary it would be nice if I could add other repositories in the same way... Here I am thinking about my personal docker template repository on GitHub.. would be some nice minor quality of life improvements when dealing with new/re- installs...



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Since community applications isn't officially part of the OS, even though its the defacto app store, it may not be appropriate to that checkbox to be included at this time



For other private repsositories, my preference would be put the applicable xml files in this folder on the flash drive


/config/plugins/community.applications/private/yourNameHere so that CA can mange your templates the same way as any other.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks a lot for your comment/feedback on my suggestions.. I think you have a valid point since CA isn't officially part of unRaid, but I would argue with a proper disclaimer and a option to op-in would be a positive addition.. by the way, thanks a lot for your huge contribution, unRaid would not be the same without what you have done (sorry for the fanboying)..


About the private repository. To me it looks like the path you mentioned, is available after CA is installed (I know I could make the folders manually), and I fail to see how I could help me with my problem..


My problem is that I am helping friends getting into unRaid, and I would like to setup CA + my private repository for them when I make the USB for them. To do this I need to start the array which means I need to start there trial.. I would like to avoid starting an array or a trial while setting up the USB.


If I have misunderstood something or you have other suggestions please let me know 😃

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