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Doing "sneakernet" with a removable USB drive

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I have a USB removable drive (SSD, NTFS) that I'd like to use from a guest operating system (Windows Server).  For example, plug in the USB drive, go to the guest OS, copy files to it, or read files from it, then remove the drive. IOW, the external drive is not part of the array, instead I need a way to do "sneakernet".


Is there an "easy" way to accomplish this?  


I'm using unraid version 6.3.5.

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Can you point me in the direction or provide a link on how to "just access the drive as an Unassigned Device"?


As you can tell, I'm no expert and I didn't realize my version of unraid was that old.  Besides I don't have the confidence/experience to upgrade it, especially if things go awry.  Does upgrading typically go smoothly and is there an undo path if not?  Again any references would be appreciated.


Thanks for your help.


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I haven't run any VMs on my server in years since docker does everything I need, so I will let someone else address that question.


As for upgrading, you should always have a backup of flash. I don't actually know if that old version does upgrades from the webUI or not, but you can always just do a new install and copy the config folder from your flash backup.


But there are some other things you need to take care of before upgrading from that old version. See here:




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