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New drive smart errors [SOVLED]

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Hey there,


so i didnt want to use a parity drive due to my largest drive being 14tb, so instead i decided to use my second pc as the backup device.


i have been rsyncing ~40tb of data over the last few days but last night i noticed this error "2020/01/10 01:53:48 [13700] rsync: write failed on "/mnt/user/Backup/FILE.xyz": Input/output error (5)". my research led me to believe it was a bad connector and sure enough the sata plug was dodgy AF no clip and i could jiggle it... opps so i replaced with a not dodgy cable and switched it back on.

but i noticed one of my brand new drives (the drive i think... had to dodgy cable) started reporting "Offline uncorrectable" sectors last night i think i thad about ~200 raw value.


reading over previous threads people suggest this is the first stages of drive death. but assumed it was just due to the write with the dodgy cable so switched it back on and continued rsyncing.


This morning i stopped the rsync progress and noticed the drive in question had gone from 7.tb used to 10.5 tb used. but the "Offline uncorrectable" sectors had gone up to 600. but it had reallocated ~100 sectors, while writing this i think it reallocated another 50 of those. so i ran a quick smart test and i got "Errors occurred - Check SMART report" but looking at the report i dont seem to see any "errors"?  but the smart report in the ui says "passed" and the download of the smart report shows "SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED" so im assuming it is saying "errors" due to the below? i have attached the smart report incase it helps


5 Reallocated sector count 0x0033100100010 Pre-fail Always Never 152

197 Current pending sector 0x0012099099000 Old age Always Never 600

198 Offline uncorrectable 0x0010099099000 Old age Offline Never 600

So to the question should i be concerned this is a bad drive DOA? or will it simply continue to reallocate and fix itself?


Thanks in advance!

*quick edit* so i noticed the smart error "Completed: read failure 50%" and reran a short test. this time "Completed without error"


Edited by phyzical
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I would get that drive out of your Unraid system ASAP as it looks to be in bad shape.

Although small non-Zero values for reallocated sectors in itself is not worrying, it is VERY worrying if not stable.


Any value other than 0 for pending sectors means the drive cannot be read reliably, so if another drive fails the rebuild is likely to have as many corrupt sectors as there are pending sectors on other drives (a good rebuild requires ALL non-failed drives to read without error).


finally any drive that cannot pass the extended SMART test should be considered failed.

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@itimpi thanks for the reply.


so to confirm as sending back drives is such a pain vendor wise.

even if it does reallocate all the sectors successfully, it would still be considered bad? (it is up to 200~ reallocated now) im just wondering if it was simply due to the bad sata connection.


i will run an extended smart test and see if it passes, if it does pass what would that mean? its okay but those sectors are just a no go? i can live with not having 4.8 mb usable is all

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Reallocated sectors is NEVER a consequence of a bad connection (that will typically result in a CRC error).    A reallocated sector means that a write has failed internally to the drive.    


my suspicion would be that the drive was subject to excessive shock prior to it reaching you and that has caused internal damage to the drive.


The drive also failed the extended SMART test which is invariably a sign that is not in good shape.

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so the supplier said they can exchange due to being within DOA. so decided screw it, as it started making chriping noises after the write error it started to make me uneasy heh..


will mark as closed


thanks for the help

*edit* turns out there was a massive dent in the corner of the drive, thanks for the warnings @itimpi close call averted :D

Edited by phyzical
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