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Disk becomes unmountable frequently


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Hi! My setup currently consists of a single drive for the array and one cache sdd. During these last few months, my drive has started becoming unmountable more and more frequently (Unmountable: no file system). As per the wiki, every time it happened i ran xfs_repair -vL and the problem was pretty much solved. Oddly, it would create a lost+found folder but after checking the files inside, I would always also find them in their respective folders where they belonged so I guess they weren't lost after all. After looking at the SMART reports and running an extended self-test, I couldn't really find anything wrong with the drive (at first I thought the drive was somehow at fault, even though it's relatively new). It has now happened again and I have attached the diagnostics zip that I have generated before running the repair.


I am running unraid version 6.7.2 on the following system:

CPU: Intel Xeon E31220

Mobo: Gigabyte H61M-S1


2TB Seagate HDD

240GB Gigabyte SSD


I am mostly using it for file storage and as a plex server, alongside sonarr, radarr and transmission.


Thank you in advance!

Diagnostics zip

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