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Can't update my docker images


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Since a few weeks now I'm unable to update my docker images : when I start the update Docker seems to download them, but when I refresh the page after it says success I can see that no image has been updated. The only thing I can find in the log is :

level=error msg="Not continuing with pull after error: context canceled"

And I see on the update window that all the data hasn't been extracted (see picture attached) : everything is fine with the first block, the operation stopped when the image in the second block is extracting, and no image in the third block has been extracted.

The weird thing is that it only appends when I'm updating my images, there's no issue when I'm downloading a new one.

I tried to change my dns settings in unraid because I read that it could be link, without success.

Does anyone have an idea to fix that ?




P.S. : I'm using unraid 6.8.1

Capture d’écran du 2020-01-12 13-20-56.png

Capture d’écran du 2020-01-12 13-44-25.png

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Ok I've just done that, I'll tell you in a few days if it worked because I have to wait for updates in order to check if it solved the issue.
Thanks !


Edit : Creating a new docker.img seems to resolve the issue.

Edited by ztheoz
Issue fised
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