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I have a unraid server at my home connected to the first br500 listed as home server, I have setup the unraid server and user accounts and tested and it all works normal. I have windows 10 pro on all pc's home & work. Under networks on the home br500 vpn It shows up all pc's on the network can see it and access it. Now i have setup a second br500 vpn at my bussiness and have a healthy link between both br500 vpn's. I have pinged both the br500 and unraid server at home from the bussiness and i get 30ms ping time. But when i put to network on my bussiness pc it doesn not see the unraid server and if i type in the unraid server address in the bar it pops up windows security credentials and no user name or password works at that point. Really im not sure whats its asking there Does any one have any idea's have how to get this unraid server mapped at my bussiness location? Netgear says its not there problem because the vpn is up and running healthy and we can ping the server and br500 from the remote br500 location and that i need to setup the server to link to the second br500 ip address. I have been working on this for 5 days now and im sure there is a lot i have left out.  

Edited by ssmokeyy
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So I think I have setup this up correct. I think im trying to map the unraid server wrong. First I was trying by just going \\ip address of unraid server. I have been reading and just trying to make sure this is correct since I have to do this at the remote location.  \\\jack

                                                                                                                                                                                       ipadress  share 

Is this all I need to do to make to the unraid server on a vpn setup?  p.s those are not the real ip address numbers or share name just using fake to show what im doing.  Is there any thing I need to setup on the unraid server if I can ping the server on the remote network?


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