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(URGENT) unRaid Unresponsive + Constant Crashing

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Hello Everyone,


I'm new to the unRaid Community and I need urgent help as I'm having terrible issues with unRAID at the moment.


I've been on holidays and I've come back to my server finding out a docker Plex Media Server wasn't working


I rebooted the server but the server couldn't reboot. I plugged in a screen to a GPU assigned to unRAID and it said it had to force shutdown the server as it wouldn't shut off. Looks like the unRAID automatically created it's own diagnostics file and now appears to be stuck on waiting for docker to die.


Once disconnecting power then reconnecting the server booted perfectly except now I can't access the VMs tab as it just tries to load and does nothing and the unRAID decided that it needs a Parity Check yet I did one a couple of days ago.


Attached is the diagnostics file. 


I have no clue what the issue is and would really appreciate someones help and support ASAP please.


I'm on unRAID Server OS version 6.8.1


Edited by YaBoiRobbo
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I really appreciate your help and support and responding to me so quickly. I'm not an expert at this sort of stuff but from what I can pick up looks like it has to do with the speed of my ram I've got a 2666MHz kit. Could you please explain in noob language. I'd really appreciate that as well man. 



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