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Unraid 6.8.1 Time Machine Share macOS 10.15.2


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I am using unraid for a while and I am quite happy with it. Currently we got a new macbook with Catalina and I want to use my unraid server as a time machine destination. Therefore I configured the corresponding share. It is mounted under macOS and accessible, but unfortunately it doesn't show up in the time machine configuration dialog. Here are the setttings of my share




Do you have any ideas what I can do to make the share show up on macOS?


best regards and greetings from Germany,




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Might work just doing that:

1. Using Finder’s “Go” menu, select “Connect to server” or use the CMD+k hotkeys.

2. In the popup window enter the local address of the share. Example: smb://YOURSERVERLOCALIP/TM-Eva/. 

3. Click the plus sign next to the server address box to add this location to favorites list and avoid having to re-enter the information each time you connect.

4. Enter user name and password if required. You can save this information to the Mac’s keychain to have it entered automatically in the future.


If you want to have this server mount each time you login to the Mac you can add it to login items.


I'm not a mac user per say, I avoid apple stuff as much as possible, so I can't tell much much more than that!

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Unfortunatly only mounting the share under macOS doesn't help. It still doesn't show up. Enabling AFP with TimeMachine set to YES works and the afp share shows up but afp is marked as deprecated and therefore smb would be the better solution...


Anything I can try?

Edited by igoehr
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Sorry, that's all the plebist linux-M$ me could bring to the table, I really can't tell you much more about it, as stated I don't really touch apple stuff.

Will have to wait for the next people to chime in!


<also posting that to bump up your post so it doesn't get buried, wink wink shush>

Edited by Keexrean
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