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Installed a new drive now can't start due to too many errors


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I did a parity rebuild a couple week ago everything worked fine. Then I added a drive disk 9 and did a preclear 3 passes and passed. Turned off the array to add the disk. When I turned on the array, parity 1 was disabled and disk 4 is disabled and parity 2 is enabled but throwing out errors. So I can't start the array because disk 9 is on but haven't formatted it but part of the array cuz I selected it and turned on the array. How should I handle this? I would think removing disk 9 from the array to at least turn on the array and rebuild those drives?

Edited by droopie
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well, after doing the format on the added disk 9 to the array, i was able to run the array and since only disk 2 was disabled and parity 1, i figured disk 2 could be rebuild. guess not. it started rebuilding fine without any errors on any of the drives then parity 2 started with errors then disk 8 started with errors. the rebuild auto stopped and disabled disk 8. disk 8 is fairly empty dont care about anything in that. only thing is disk 2 and disk 8 say no file system and wants me to format both. at this point am doubtful disk 2 can be recovered. i dont know what causes this. 

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It's difficult to help if yo don't describe what happened correctly:


1 hour ago, droopie said:

When I turned on the array, parity 1 was disabled and disk 4 is disabled

Only parity was disabled.


1 hour ago, droopie said:

So I can't start the array because disk 9 is on but haven't formatted it but part of the array cuz I selected it and turned on the array.

Diags show you already formatted the disk9 and is now part of the array.


After that you replaced disk2 and here the problem started because of the parity2 errors, SMART looks fine so more likely a connection problem, but bad idea to replace disk2 before fixing parity1.


Power down, check replace cables on parity2 and try to rebuild disk2 again.



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2 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

It's difficult to help if yo don't describe what happened correctly:


Only parity was disabled.


Diags show you already formatted the disk9 and is now part of the array.


After that you replaced disk2 and here the problem started because of the parity2 errors, SMART looks fine so more likely a connection problem, but bad idea to replace disk2 before fixing parity1.


Power down, check replace cables on parity2 and try to rebuild disk2 again.



the format was probably done with preclear. i selected it from the array and started it. then i had a checkmark that would allow me to format but at that point i did not checkmark that format button because after selecting the disk 9 to the array, disk 1 got disabled and disk 2 got disabled. another admin had told me that parity was least of a priority so since after i posted, i went ahead and clicked that checkmark and clicked the format button. it was basically all looking fine. but like i said everything went bad after that. 


question about powering down. should i change the HBA since its a 4 port sata to sas? i can replace the cable and the hba but i am afraid ill have configuration issues and mess up the other disks. 



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4 minutes ago, droopie said:

disk 1 got disabled and disk 2 got disabled

Disk1 never got disabled, it's still normal.


8 minutes ago, droopie said:

question about powering down. should i change the HBA since its a 4 port sata to sas? i can replace the cable and the hba but i am afraid ill have configuration issues and mess up the other disks. 

If you have another one it's fine to replace, as long as it's not a  RAID controller, disks will be detected the same.


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11 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Array is kind of a mess, disk8 is also disabled now.


Did you let disk2 rebuild finish before?

no disk 8 got disabled upon rebuilding disk 2. and im at a complete loss of why. so i have 2 hba's so disk 8 is actually on another hba using another sas cable totally independent. its a 4 sata to 1 sas. parity 1 and 2 and disk 1 and 2 are in HBA 1 slot A. disk 4 and disk 6 are on another sas cable on slot B of the same HBA. those are fine so far. the rest are on hba 2 sas A with the cache on the last HBA 2 sas B 4th sata. i have 2 extra HBA's i tried 2 different HBA's and i have an extra sas but nothing works. all i get is ERRORS when rebuilding parity. if i try to rebuild both parity at the same time i get like a trillion errors and just stops. 


again, i have no idea why. i put this system together about a month and a half ago and im 1 day left on my extended trial of unraid. everything was working fine, i did a parity check this week, no errors. i already had disk 9 in the array since i built the system but i put in all the drives and precleared them 1 by 1 and added them to the array over time. it was all fine till when preclear finished, i added the drive to the array and thats when the problems with errors started. 

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dumb question but how do you test sata cables or my sas cables? i ordered 2 more and i am not sure what i can do in unraid to test them. would the best option to test the cables is to rebuild the parity? like as in unassign it then reassign it? 


on another note, i noticed when i had both parity drives rebuilding either 1 or 2 would get disabled instantly. so right now im sticking with 1 parity rebuild. i also removed disk 8 and 9 since they are empty at this point.

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Just now, johnnie.black said:

You swapped them with another ones, it's the easiest way and see if the problem goes away, could also be a PSU problem, unlikely to be HBAs since there are 2 of them and are using the latest firmware.

another dumb question. im not familiar with how unraids filesystem works. i lost the disk 2 since the rebuild got corrupt. it started by throwing out errors then it got disabled. disk 1 was starting to do that so i just stopped it right away. my question is, is it possible to pull a drive out and get the contents from another linux system similar to ext4 or ntfs for windows? or say mount the drive to unraid as an unassigned device and access the files.

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5 minutes ago, droopie said:

is it possible to pull a drive out and get the contents from another linux system similar to ext4 or ntfs for windows? or say mount the drive to unraid as an unassigned device and access the files.

Yes, both are possible, if you still have the original disk2, current disk2 is totally corrupt since there were errors on more disks than parity could handle during the rebuild, disk8 should be fine, it wasn't mounting because it was disable and Unraid can't emulated correctly since current disk2 is corrupt, but if you re-enable it or mount it with UD it should mount correctly.

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