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Newbie setup. Help transferring files.

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Hello everyone. Here is my situation that I need help with. I have all of my components to get my server build going. This will be a Plex Media server setup. OK to start I will have hard drive 1 4TB parity drive, Drive 2 4TB hard drive, Drive 3 4TB hard drive and 2TB SSD 2.5 cache drive.  I want to add 2 more 4TB hard drive's that are in my Western Digital NAS with RAID 1 and they have over 6000 video files, 4000 photos and 7000 music files. How do I transfer all of these files to my new array then add these drive to be reformatted into it also?

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I assume you don't actually have any of these drives assigned, but after you do it is best if you don't refer to parity as drive 1. Drive 1 is the first data slot.


Fastest way to copy would be to use the Unassigned Devices plugin to mount the WD NAS on your new server and use one of several ways (command line, Midnight Commander, Krusader docker, etc.)


Simplest way to copy would be to just use your PC with the WD NAS to copy its files over the network.


I strongly recommend NOT caching the initial data load. Some even wait and add parity till after the initial data load so the write speed won't be impacted by parity.

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OK thank you very much for that info.  I will remember that terminology on not referring a parity drive as drive 1. All the devices are on my table waiting to be put into my Fractal Node 804 case. So I don't have anything setup at this time. This will be a weekend project. I will give the fastest way a try since its a full 4TB that need to be transferred. I will take your advice on not adding caching or parity until all is transferred. Thanks for the quick reply. 

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