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Cache drive forced to read only mode?

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I awoke this morning to my dockers failing to load and it seems that the primary drive of my cache pool has been forced into "Read-Only" mode.  I wouldn't be surprised if this drive is finally dying, (older OCZ SSD 128GB) but I'm at a loss for what to do.  the health checks on the drive all fail to run as well as the "Scrub" option.  


I'm of the belief I will need to purchase another SSD, however I'm not sure the proper process to install it without loosing my docker's and VM's.  I've attached the log file associated with the drive in question.  Is anyone able to help?


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So I went through it again, and it seems to be working now.  the blkdiscard command on the second SSD finishes instantly making me think it is not working.  The cache pool has the total space available as the correct SUM of the two drives, even though More drive space is being used than should be.  Are you able to confirm that both SSD's are correctly integrated into the pool?


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Ok,  That still didn't work.  So This is what I'm doing now:

- use "New Config" to reset cache assignments

- Using only my 256GB SDD in cache

- Using the 128GB SSD as an unassigned device (Wasn't getting more cache space from putting these in raid 0 correct?)


Parity is rebuilding but other than that everything seems to be working well.  

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Hi Johnnie,


I appreciate all of your help.  


In the link you sent it states: "RAID0: requires 2 device, best performance, no redundancy, if used with different size devices only 2 x capacity of smallest device will be available, even if reported space is larger." 


This is the only option I can see available to me with my two different sized SSD's.  I would not be able to use full capacity at 384GB with this would I? 

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