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Jason Meikle: transfer speed

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Hello Everyone, first time posting so please excuse me for being a newbie but i was hoping to get assistance, with someone having a look at my unraid build, just upgraded into a bigger server and i think i have a couple of bumps if anyone could help id greatly appreciate this/ beers if you were local! Only run this for Plex, im getting horrible transfer speeds.


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I don't know how you happened to choose the thread you posted in, but I have split this into its own thread. Unless you are seeking support for a specific plugin or docker that already has a support thread created for that purpose, it is best to start your own thread rather than "hijacking" the thread of another user. Even if your question seems similar, the details are often different, and it is better to let that other user have his thread.


Lots of things in that syslog that seem to indicate a problem with your nvme cache. I'm not familiar with those messages but I don't think they are normal since I haven't noticed them in other diagnostics.




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