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Server services become periodically unavaialable


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So I noticed today a strange phenomenon where as dockers like handbrake/MakeMKV was showing the broken connection symbol in the webgui. No big deal just refresh and it comes right back. But i started noticing that it was more than just the docker containers. I noticed the Main Unraid WebUI was laggy and unresponsive sometimes. SMB shares would stall on browsing, and even SSH would hang and disconnect me. This happens every 30 seconds to a minute. I usually can always refresh, or re attempt a connection and it will load right back. I took the array offline and rebooted. When it came back up the same behavior is re-occuring without the array running or any dockers etc. I've ran htop from SSH and the CPU and Ram look fine nothing is pegged out. They just suddenly stop transmitting data. I ran continuous pings during these issues and server never drops a ping. Any ideas ? I'm not sure where to go from here.



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I believe the issue is related to the graphics card I had. I've since removed it and it appears to be stable. Almost like an interrupt IRQ type of issue. Hopefully it is solved now.


P.S I am deleting the diagnostic logs here as I really dont want those hanging around forever.

Edited by Abysmal
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