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Binhex DelugeVPN Docker with custom provider HELP


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Hey guys, I'm new to the forums but am absolutely loving the OS so far. I recommend it to every techie I know constantly. As easy as it is to use though, sometimes I run into issues I can't google my way out of which brings me here. I am trying to use the Binhex DelugeVPN with privoxy docker container that Spaceinvader One has the tutorial for. In his tutorial, though, he only sets it up with the PIA provider who is already included in the package. I am trying to use the docker with another service, specifically PureVPN. I have put in my credentials and imported the appropriate crt, key, and ovpn file pointing to the proper credential file. However, I can never actually access the WebUI because the VPN never fully connects. I have tried multiple servers and replaced the URLs in the ovpn file with the ipv4 to circumvent any DNS issues. Nothing works. The log gives me the following error:


2020-02-07 02:51:27,870 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Fri Feb 7 02:51:27 2020 OpenSSL: error:140AB18E:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_certificate:ca md too weak
Fri Feb 7 02:51:27 2020 Cannot load inline certificate file
Fri Feb 7 02:51:27 2020 Exiting due to fatal error


I am out of potential solutions. Any suggestions?

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