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Really screwed up my cache pool


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I really screwed this up. I was trying to replace my cache drive with a larger one. I only have the one. I guess I didn't really understand the process. I stopped the array, changed the cache to 2 drives, and added the other. I guess it copied everything after a while. I checked both drives in the terminal and they both had the same amount of information. Turn out the new one (old one really) was too old and I didn't like the smart report so I replaced it. I thought I could just remove the smaller one from the pool and put it back down to one but now I can't get the cache drive back online. I just tried a few combinations of things, even putting it back how it was, but with just one drive it says it has no filesystem. I did not check the box and format so I don't know why it would say that. I thought maybe I could mount one in unassigned devices and copy it over but it won't mount in UD. I'm not sure what to do. Any ideas? At the very least, can I back it up somehow?

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