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Win10 VM performance upgrade


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I've been getting daily Chrome crashes in my Win10 VM ( ~15 tabs open).   Would a CPU upgrade fix that?   Current CPU is Intel Core i3-8100 3.6 GHz Quad-Core Processor which I paid $159 for 14 months ago.  Current RAM is G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory.  How much would I have to spend to stop the Chrome crashes?  CPU usage in Win10 VM goes as high as 90 to 99% and Physical RAM looks around 50%.   

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3 minutes ago, oh-tomo said:

I've been getting daily Chrome crashes in my Win10 VM ( ~15 tabs open).   Would a CPU upgrade fix that?   Current CPU is Intel Core i3-8100 3.6 GHz Quad-Core Processor which I paid $159 for 14 months ago.  Current RAM is G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory.  How much would I have to spend to stop the Chrome crashes?  CPU usage in Win10 VM goes as high as 90 to 99% and Physical RAM looks around 50%.   

Probably not. Why do you need so many tabs? Must you use Chrome?


Also 15 tabs at 99% CPU load is a bit much. You must be doing something quite intense with those tabs.

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Google Backup and Sync is another heavy CPU user.   Plus I run Evernote & Picasa, whose databases are saved on "symlinks" to unRAID shares created using Directory Linker, an app outlined in SpaceInvader's VM tutorial video.   Is 15 above average for tabs open?   On tech podcasts, the journalists claim they have so many tabs open that they can no longer read the names of the websites or see the icons.  So I thought 15 seemed low by comparison.   Going back to the 90's, I've used lynx, Navigator, Internet Explorer, and Firefox before settling on Chrome.  I like Chrome.  It lets me install handy extensions like Context Menu Search and saves my settings and history across devices.   Also nowadays, whenever website tech support reps recommend a browser for optimal experience of their website, it's Chrome. 

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  • 1 year later...

So I upgraded the CPU to a Intel Core i7-9700K and it has helped the Win10 VM significantly.   It took quite a few reboots and unplugging of USB and HDMI to get the VM to get past the Tianocore screen but it finally got into Windows.


But since upgrading the CPU there have been five "Cache disk is hot" notifications (53, 51, 53, 54, 50 C  -- one yesterday and four so far today.   So I raised the warning temperature for that drive to 70 C.


How should I set the Logical CPUs for a MacOS VM?  I've allocated all 8 cores to Windows 10.  When I try to start MacOS Catalina VM while Win10 VM is running, audio playback becomes garbled in Win10.  Is there a specific balance of Logical CPUs between MacOS VM and Wind10 VM that won't result in warbly Windows audio?





Edited by oh-tomo
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The first CPU Core should always be left free for UnRAID system usage.


Depending on how much performance you need in each of those two VMs, you might wanna go with 4 cores for the Windows VM, and 3 cores for the Mac VM, or something like this. Using the same Cores in multiple VMs might always lead to slowdowns or hickups, depending on usage.


What gave my Gaming VM a huge performance and stability boost was also isolating the pinned cores from the system (settings -> CPU pinning).

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