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So I've switched to NVIDIA GPUs, now what?


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  • I switched out all of my AMD cards for a pile of nvidia cards. Now I need to decide which ones make it into my unraid box. 
  • There is no onboard graphics in my server. No QuickSync option. 
  • I'm aware of the nvidia version of Unraid but am still trying to wrap my head around what it means for me. 



  1. Zotac 1660 Ti 6GB - the one with the two different sized fans. 
  2. GTX 2060 6GB - blower style
  3. GTX 1070 8GB OC - dual fan (have 2 of these cards)
  4. GTX 1050 Ti 4GB - single fan
  5. GTX 1050 2GB - single fan
  6. GTX 960 2GB - blower style
  7. Quadro FX570 - have a few kicking around, single slot.



  1. Give as much Plex decoding/transcoding done on a GPU as my CPU is a little long in the tooth; h.265 is a problem. 4k is in my future. 
  2. Keep thermals in check. I have a 4U case but it's not deep and doesn't have turbines for fans. 
  3. Get good performance/thermals ratio. Most of the games I'd play are older with the exception of Star Citizen, on a 1080p projector.
  4. Have up to 2 VMs running at a time for casual gaming. 


I think that sums it up. As for Goal #1, I'm not sure if that means running PMS in a docker (where it is now) or a VM. Still fuzzy on that. 


As for GPUs:

I'm currently leaning towards the 1660Ti for Plex, assuming the new nvenc is worth dedicating this over say a 1050 or quadro to the task... Depending on Plex needs, either the 1660 Ti / 1050 Ti for gaming or a more even 1660 Ti / 2060 for the gaming VMs then one of the other cards as primary / for Plex. 





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Well, I did replace my livingroom HTPC with a Firestick 4k. My 2nd client is a Windows VM running off Unraid to which my projector is hooked up. (Previously also an HTPC).


In an ideal world, that Firestick 4k would also be replaced with a GPU accelerated VM from the server as well. I'm trying to minimize boxes around the house :).  


Edit: so in effect, by adding GPUs capable of hardware decoding, I am in effect upgrading my clients. 


I was moreso looking for advice on how to move to the nvidia version of Unraid and how to best utilize the cards currently at my disposal. 

Edited by TyantA
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