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Rsync syntax to copy between 2 unRAID servers?


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Hey all,


I'm hoping that someone linux guru can help me out with the proper rsync syntax to use to achieve the following


Goal: To copy files from my Beast aka 15 drive unRAID to my 2 drive unRAID (free version for now)

Location on beast: /


Want to copy to : /


Is this easy/possible to use Rsync? I'm just a little hung up on the proper command/syntax to make this work properly.


Thank you for any advice....

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You can NFS mount the one on the other and copy locally via rsync, or you can copy without mounting, but the later is more difficult to setup.


execute on


mkdir -p /mnt/beast/disk11

mount -t nfs /mnt/beast/disk11

rsync -av --stats --progress /mnt/beast/disk11/audio/ /disk1/

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1st step is to decide which machine is going to initiate the transfer and which is going to receive.  For everything below I am assuming Beast (15 drives) is the initiator and Puny (2 drives) is the receiver, you can switch and swap things around if you want it another way ;)


Create an rsyncd.conf file and start rsyncd on Puny.  Copy the below and save it as \\Puny\flash\config\rsyncd.conf

uid             = root
gid             = root
use chroot      = no
max connections = 4
pid file        = /var/run/rsyncd.pid
timeout         = 600
log file        = /var/log/rsyncd.log

path = /mnt/disk1
comment = Audio Backup
read only = FALSE


add the following to the end of \\Puny\flash\config\go

rsync  --daemon  --config=/boot/config/rsyncd.conf

Either reboot Puny or execute the above at the terminal on Puny.


To transfer the files from Beast to Puny execute the following

rsync -r /mnt/disk11/audio


That should be the basics and should get you going.  Assuming I didn't make any typos or logic errors ;)

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You can NFS mount the one on the other and copy locally via rsync, or you can copy without mounting, but the later is more difficult to setup.


execute on


mkdir -p /mnt/beast/disk11

mount -t nfs /mnt/beast/disk11

rsync -av --stats --progress /mnt/beast/disk11/audio/ /disk1/


This seems simple enough, but I did get an error:

root@Tower:~# mount -t nfs /mnt/beast/disk11

mount.nfs: mount to NFS server '' failed: RPC Error: Program not registered

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I noticed that on 'Beast' under Shares > Export Settings that NFS was blank. So I changed it to 'beast'. When I now execute the command on 'Tower' aka I get the following:


root@Tower:~# mount -t nfs /mnt/beast/disk11

mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting


Can I mount a disk... or does it have to be a User Share?


Update: Export Settings is Export read/write


FYI: beast is on 4.5.6 final (pro)

Tower is on 4.6 Final (basic)

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Nut sure how much data you have going back and forth, and it may not be an issue on a local network, but rsync will compare file timestamps and will not retransfer data that it doesn't have to.  If it's a one time copy it's not a big deal, but if it's something like a backup script there's no need to recopy the same files over and over again if there have not been any changes ;)

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You can NFS mount the one on the other and copy locally via rsync, or you can copy without mounting, but the later is more difficult to setup.


execute on


mkdir -p /mnt/beast/disk11

mount -t nfs /mnt/beast/disk11

rsync -av --stats --progress /mnt/beast/disk11/audio/ /disk1/


I tried this method but instead of disk I use shares. Received "access denied by server" error.

root@Tower2:~# mkdir -p /mnt/tower1/movies

root@Tower2:/# mount -t nfs /mnt/tower1/movies

mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting


I went to both Tower1 and Tower2 and set Disk Shares (NFS) = * (rw)


Does this need to be disk to disk? How do I copy all the files from Tower1 share, say "movies" (spread between 2 disks) to Tower2 disk2?



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