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How does unRAID 6.8.3 start its web service and how it is configured?

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I have a server running UNRAID version 6.8.3 dedicated to host Plex. I made a change in Plex on it's listening remote port and now the UNRAID webserver starts but the Plex Tuner Service does not and as a consequence Plex is "Unable to connect" to its GUI.


I have posted this problem in the Plex forum, found this link https://support.plex.tv/articles/201105343-advanced-hidden-server-settings/ but unfortunately for me there is no reference for UNRAID web service configuration.


For this UNRAID forum I will like to ask if someone knows how emhttp (seems to be the web service in UNRAID) is configured, where is its configuration file in UNRAID. I am looking for the configuration file where Plex stored the listening port.


I tried to download the UNRAID 6 manual pdf document mentioned in this forum but somehow the links are broken..


Any help is appreciated.

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Misread your post a bit.  Plex's config files for its listening port would be stored somewhere within the appdata share for plex.  I don't use Plex, so can't offer any further advice than that though.  You would probably be able to ask and get a response on Plex's own support forum for that kind of detail since they do offer their own docker container.

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