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Plex Lost Access to Media shortly after upgrade

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Even though I've had UnRaid for several years, I consider myself a relative newbie to any Linux based systems.  It was very easy to set up and has run faithfully for several years.


Like many other folks, I recently ran into the situation where the Lime version of the Plex docker was depreciated, and so, following the instructions on how to transfer my plex library (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RgPx7BN8DE) I swapped over to the offical Plex docker app.  Using the instructions from the Youtube video, I was able to easily point the app to my original library files and all was fine with the world for several days.  Stored movie media worked just fine, iTunes music media worked, DVR media worked, everything seemed to work fine.  After about four or five days, I was listening to the music media on my iPhone app while driving home from work, when suddenly it went dead.  I figured that maybe I had a power glitch at home which shut off the server or something like that, but there was no evidence when I got there.  I rebooted everything and the Plex docker starts and displays my media library just fine, but when I select any server stored media (movies, DVR, music, etc.), it give a "Playback Error" message stating "Please check that the file exists and the necessary drive is mounted."  Live TV and other PLEX media which does not physically reside on my server still works just fine.


When I go in to confirm/edit the configuration settings, those settings can "see" the files just fine -- so they don't appear to be hidden or mislinked:




Any thoughts on where I might start to debug this issue?  I've searched this site and found several postings which were close or somewhat similar, but not exact and the solutions did not seem to fix my particular problem (unless I happened to just overlook the "right" posting).  Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by BobCV
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Personally, given the amount of times this comes up regarding Plex, I'd seek assistance in their support thread or on reddit.  Nothing against this forum, but at first glance, this is going to be a Plex issue itself, and the other support venues may yield faster results.


All this assumes of course that within Plex's UI that you can still access the library (or it's still adding in new media files from the library)

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