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[SOLVED] No internet connection

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So I'm very new to unraid. I had freenas working as my home server for a while but cabin fever made me want to shake it up and try something new.


So long story short I've read every forum on here about network connection and I've tried everything and I'm ready to put my head in the drywall.


I'll give you the rundown, So my router is setup with my unraid server static and 1 cat6 comes from the router in the livingroom snaked along the baseboards and ceiling all the way into my office and then into my closet of doom... A place where cable management fears to go. Then into a netgear 24 port gigabit switch that has my pc (this one), the server, a few raspberry pi's and formerly my freenas server routed from it with no issues I get 230 down on my pc. 


Yes I have tried running the mainline right to the unraid server. 

Yes I tried bonding off

Yes I updated to the experimental

Yes I restarted the router

No I don't have a network card, It's built into the motherboard.


I need an intervention before I loose my mind please help....


Edit: I am still on a trial key, I would love to buy a full key but I need to know this os will work for me before I commit  


Edited by Jonny_Fortino
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