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SAS for new build


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I'm well overdue for an upgrade. My current server has about 20 SATA ports on the mobo. I've used PCIe SATA cards before but didn't like the extra time and complexity they added to boot. That's probably just me being nit-picky. While I have read up on the technology, I have no experience with SAS. Is there anything I should be aware of when looking to get a SAS card for a new server build? All my drives are SATA. I have around 15 or so. I want to try and minimize the amount of cards and cable clutter as much as possible. Any advice?

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18 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Get an LSI HBA, there are 8 and 16 port models, also BIOS can be removed so they don't increase boot time.

Ah, thanks. You know, as long as I've been working with computers, I've never heard the term HBA. I've apparently used them before, just never referred to as such. That helps when trying to search. It's probably because I don't work with enterprise level hardware often.


One last thing, I actually found some kind of SAS expansion card while salvaging at my local electronics recycler months ago. I highly recommend it BTW. Companies throw out stuff all the time that still has some life left. Anyway, the SAS cable broke out into 3 SATA cables, two of which where power AND data. If that common? It would make things much tidier if the cables were like that. Could I just get those type of cables or am I correct in assuming not all cards have that capability?

Edited by bobbintb
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