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Same drive Different name issue

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I am having an issue with my array naming not seeing the drive. I moved a drive from one storage device (Mediasonic Probox) to a Netapp DS4246 enclosure but now the server sees the drive alittle different. it has removed some of the underscores as shown in the image... is there a way to correct this without having to recover all my media?



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Make careful note of your disk assignments, Most especially your parity disk(s).


Go to Tools - New Config and assign your disks as they should be. Be very careful to not assign any data disk to any parity slot or it will be overwritten by parity. Before starting the array, check the box saying parity is already valid.


Then do a non-correcting parity check just to make sure everything is good.

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Thanks so much, that worked perfectly. I had some issues with drives afterwards but this process certainly saved the array. I have one more question that I am not sure is related. Since I got this new disk shelf which I know was used , it is showing a bunch of other drives in the "unassigned Drive" section that is telling me to "insert" the drive but I never had these drives or ever had them inserted, could these be from the previous owner in some sort of memory in the array or HBA? is there anyway to remove them? I have attached a screen shot of what I am talking about


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