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Show automatically a dashboard on display


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Hello everyone,


I've installed a unraid server with a display always connected to it (and never turning off).

I would like to be able to display a dashboard on it, right now i've managed a script that will launch the dashboard and will stay in backround.
(My dashboard is already created on a grafana under a docker container (on the unraid server))

If i start my server with the GUI and connect, i can from cli lauch firefox with my dashboard.
The thing is i don't want to connect manually everytime i do a restart, the same goes for launching a command to display the dashboard.

Is it possible to automatize this after boot ?

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Custom Tab plugin.  Set up a page for Grafana.  Then via Settings Management Access, set the Landing Page to be that custom tab.  Do not set the custom tab to be URL - New Tab, as you will effectively lock yourself out of the UI as you will never be able to hit unRaid's UI without it redirecting to Grafana

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The solution almost work. It open the tab I want and show the dashboard.
But the screen is small, 5" with a resolution of 860*480, so to make it readable i need to launch firefox in fullscreen (wich i'm able to do from a remote cli).

Maybe a way to change the script that launch firefox at start ?

And i still need to login at the start of the server witch is a pain in the ass.
I understand it's for security reason, but I don't store anything important on this server so I'm ok with "no security" if you have physical access to the server.

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  • 3 years later...

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