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Anyone else having issues right now with docker pulls Apps and plugins?

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So I was troubleshooting some high iowait time and one of those was seeing if I changed my file system to xfs or swapped out cache.


Now training to pull down docker images are not completing. No matter who the provider is it looks like, linuxserver, binhenix etc...


Also plugins and apps section are slow.


I asked on reddit and a couple people chimed in with the same thing. Can anyone else pull down dockers right now? Is something like Amazon hosting down or something?

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56 minutes ago, Squid said:

Probably (but not necessarily)

Apr 21 13:13:01 MIKESDESKTOP rc.docker: 2b2bbdb7100ea23c468d67d495ee24f2da8081935eb16299621acb198ebe224c
Apr 21 14:01:41 MIKESDESKTOP nginx: 2020/04/21 14:01:41 [error] 7054#7054: *6025 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /Docker/AddContainer?xmlTemplate=user%3A%2Fboot%2Fconfig%2Fplugins%2FdockerMan%2Ftemplates-user%2Fmy-plex.xml&rmTemplate= HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "", referrer: ""

Just as a quick check, does this look like something on my side? Or is there a way around this? I am seeing the linuxserver.io and other sites loading fine I just don't know why I can't install a 131mb docker.

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