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unable to see shares in PLEX from unraid

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I followed a setup here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=62&v=IwgynGotSdM&feature=emb_logo

Sent me to here: https://hub.docker.com/r/plexinc/pms-docker/


followed instructions and everything worked except my movie folders.  I have a movie share as -v /mnt/user/disk4/movies: /data.  I was at Unraid command line and navigated to area to get linux version of path.  launched the command line and everything seemed to install.   docker in unraid looked ok.  When launching plex ui I was able to navigate to share listed but no update.  went into plex console and that share was empty.  So close.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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root@Tower:/mnt/disk4/MOVIES# ls
10\ Cloverfield.m4v
101\ Dalmations.m4v
12\ Rounds\ 2.avi
12\ Years\ A\ Slave.m4v
13\ Ghosts.m4v
16\ blocks.mp4


my shares are a mess.  I did notice movies is CAPS.  re ran the command line with it CAPPED.  Do I need to start over with PLEX UI?  If so how do you reset it?  Thanks

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No that is wrong. I don't know if you can get any help on the Plex forums with basic understanding of how to setup dockers, and if your shares are a mess, then the first thing to do is clean that up instead of setting up dockers based on messed up shares.


Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.

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sorry.  This all started when I got locked out of PLEX UI.  The app would not update and It worked fine until Monday night and I ended up removing the container.  It used to pull updates down and it was no issue. Wish I would have copied the PULL command.  Would be back in business. I tried to pull container down using docker pull plexinc/pms-docker and got the user plex not found error.  PLEX's forum is so old I don't know which is correct.  Sorry I do not have the patience.  WFH with special needs kid that uses remote to watch movies and now have to find movie on UNRAID share.  Will read up more on docker once this is fixed.  Thank you again for your time and vast knowledge.


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You shouldn't even be using the command line for managing your dockers on Unraid.


Personally, I recommend using the linuxserver or binhex plex. They are much better supported on this forum. And there are some advantages if you use multiple dockers from the same authors since they will have some code in common and will download / update faster and take less space in docker image.


I use mostly linuxserver dockers myself, and those are the ones I am most familiar with.


Give me a few minutes to analyze your diagnostics and I will post a response about that. Some patience will probably be required to get thing working optimally.



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Your diagnostics says you have had various different user shares, 84 in all, so that is quite a mess. Unfortunately, that count also includes .cfg files for user shares you might have had in the past but no longer have any files.


Go to Shares - User Shares and post one or more screenshots as needed that shows all of your current user shares.


That will help me narrow things down somewhat since I don't even get the complete names in your anonymized diagnostics, and as I said, probably some of those in the list don't exist now.

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I see you already have Community Applications installed. That is how you need to work with your dockers on Unraid.


I see you don't currently have a cache drive or pool. Cache is not required, but there are some advantages of cache besides speeding up user share writes. In particular, your docker (and VMs) can stay on cache where they will perform better and won't keep array disks spinning.


I always recommend installing cache before setting up dockers (and VMs) so all that gets created on cache to begin with. It can be a little extra trouble getting them moved to cache later.


Were you planning to have cache in the near future?

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do not really plan on cache drives.  I do plan on cleaning up shares.  I just got a couple 4TB drives to replace 2TB drives.  (one is showing faulty).  I want to get PLEX working to get kid back to normalcy, clean my shares, clean my users, and organize a little better before upgrading drives.  I may just create a PLEX server on a PC and read up here and elsewhere for getting PLEX back on Unraid. quick bandaid...probably could be back in business by the weekend.   

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I'm afraid that txt file you attached is just about as hard to work with as that list of 84 anonymized share .cfg files in your diagnostics. Actual screenshots might have been better, unless you want to take the trouble to reformat that text file so the columns line up. I see it does already have the "Compute" done though, which is a good addition.


Or maybe we can just clean it up so there isn't so much to deal with and get another look.


You can remove a user share by getting rid of all of its contents (moving or deleting). Then you will be able to delete the share by clicking on it and it will let you delete it from its page.


Just one note of caution. You must never mix disks and user shares when moving or copying files. Linux doesn't know the disks and user shares are just different views of the same files, so it will let you try to write over the source file and it gets truncated.


Only work with user shares, or only work with disks. Never both at the same time.


The user shares are simply the aggregate of all top level folders on cache and array. They are located in /mnt/user.


The disks are at /mnt/disk1, /mnt/disk2, ..., /mnt/cache (if you had one)

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If you really need a quick fix for plex then forget about doing it on Unraid.


2 minutes ago, dsimmond1225 said:

I want to get PLEX working to get kid back to normalcy, clean my shares, clean my users, and organize a little better before upgrading drives. 

Ideally, plex would be the last step in all that. You need to get the basic Unraid setup done before you try to add things to it.

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Just finished getting Win 10 on a clean box.  Will install PLEX and use "windows" shares.  Should have movies ready in the AM.  Let me do a clean up and try again when I have more time.  Not sure how the shares came up.  Suspecting kid had something to do with it but none the less need to a ton of work before even thinking about docker.  Thanks again for the insight.  

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4 minutes ago, dsimmond1225 said:

Not sure how the shares came up.

27 minutes ago, trurl said:

The user shares are simply the aggregate of all top level folders on cache and array.

If anything writes a top level folder to any of the disks, that folder is automatically a user share, named for the folder, whether you intentionally created it as a user share or not. Any user share you haven't made settings for gets default settings.


Incorrect host paths when setting up dockers can have this result.

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14 minutes ago, dsimmond1225 said:

Let me do a clean up

After you get your user shares cleaned up, it would be very helpful to us if you would delete any .cfg files in the config/shares folder on flash that are no longer being used so they don't get included in your diagnostics in the future.

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finally have time (last night) to start removing the shares.  Found out I had tons of duplicated data.  Kid was not happy that has favorites were missing from the new server.  Made it his school assignment for the day.  For some reason the APPS tab is now working.  I found PLEX and it had an easy way to set up PLEX (like the links above but with actual prompts instead of command line).  Still need to work on mass share clean up, replace faulty drive and move physical tower before even thinking about getting the server back on the unraid box.  I have a PC setup for MAME and it is finding the ROMS on the server (probably at disk level).  Need to find the actual shortcut it uses before modifying those folders/shares.  Thanks again for support.  Once I get this punch list completed I may reach out again.....but only after reading the FAQ's.   

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1 hour ago, dsimmond1225 said:

I found PLEX and it had an easy way to set up PLEX (like the links above but with actual prompts instead of command line).

That is the way you should work with all (or at least most) dockers in Unraid. There are currently over 700 Apps to choose from on the Apps page. Any docker from the Apps page takes you to that same form with some things already filled in for you.


1 hour ago, dsimmond1225 said:

I have a PC setup for MAME and it is finding the ROMS on the server (probably at disk level).

I recommend not sharing any disks and only allow access to user shares on the network. You can definitely get yourself in trouble if you try to work with disks and user shares together. And unless you have specifically allowed disk shares, none will be shared.

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