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Issues with the Network

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I have been having an issue with Unraid on my server.


If I start a fresh install of Unraid and I setup the network and the arrays of 2 drives for now  after a couple of reboots I am unable to connect the my network. it's intermittent. So what I do is I stop my server and pull out the usb thumb drive and wipe the content of network.cfg and insert these into the file.







Then the system will be fine for a while until I go into the App section and I see that I get an error that it cannot connect to the Community Applications app and it gives a few pointers to try to enter a set of dns's.


Then again I pull the usb thumb drive out and wipe the content of network.cfg all of again.


I also downloaded Notepad ++ and save the file in Linux file system so I don't mess up the file


Also I also tried 2 usb keys a Kingston 2.0 and brand new Sandisk USB 2.0 and same  issues.


I switched Network cards also with the same model same issue.


I did pay for a basic license for now and I was looking forward to get another 7 licenses since I own 8 servers.

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After I re-created the network.cfg file I boot into Unraid and configure the network settings all over again . I tried my ISP dns and also same issue. I should of added that part in my original post.. sorry


I use the gui to configure everything which I was doing originally.. I was entering the ip , subnet and gateway and slap in the pc and then configure the rest in the gui

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I just re

I just rebooted another UnRaid Server that was running great for a week and when it came back on it lost the network connectivity.

My server has an option for an micro sd card and I will try to see if I boot from it would resolves the issue.


Edited by Sillyvain
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