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NVIDIA GPU passthrough - confusing IOMMU group

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Hello, Im new to unraid. 


First first target is passthough my nv rtx 2070 to WIn and Ubuntu(Only one system will be run at the same time).


My origional IOMMU group showns as imageproxy.php?img=&key=e5eec7c5c933ca16:



Basied on my understanding from youtube videos below, my IOMMU group 1 may not look right, so I switch to PCIe ACS override-downstream and got IOMMU group 12 which looks right to me.



Then I got error:



Afterwards, I update my Unraid OS to the following :

kernel /bzimage
append pcie_acs_override=downstream initrd=/bzroot vfio-pci.ids=10de:1ada,10de:1adb

The error goes away. 

I also tried set PCIe ACS override to Both without vfio-pci update:



But Im still having black screen.



The rom Im using right now is extract from GPU-Z

I also tried remove header by myself 

The only line I can find from rom that starting with 'u' is line 107. So I removed the line 1-106




However, NONE of my attempts works.

I would appriacate for any suggestion and help 


My Win 10 config:





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2 hours ago, RickD00 said:

Basied on my understanding from youtube videos below, my IOMMU group 1 may not look right, so I switch to PCIe ACS override-downstream and got IOMMU group 12 which looks right to me.




Hello, you were close when you got the Group 12 that I quoted from your post HOWEVER you were trying to only passthrough your RTX 2070s usb-c controller.


vfio-pci.ids=10de:1ada,10de:1adb are your USB 3.1 controller and serial bus on your 2070. You need to be passing through the VGA Controller @ 10de:1f02 and your GPUs audio @ 10de:10f9. Also you must passthrough everything in group 12 including the RTX USB-C controller you were trying to passthrough before.


Your vfio-pci.ids should look like this...



Once you do that make sure you select everything listed in Group 12 to passthrough in Unraid VM Win10 config PCI Devices.


Hope this helps.


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4 minutes ago, RickD00 said:

OVMF does not work somehow.. I tried it with VNC it was on UEFI Shell window. SeaBIOS worked with VNC.

I just tried both OVMF/SeaBIOS with Q35.

Still no luck 


If it was on a UEFI shell window then it couldn't find a boot device. You need to set the Install ISO as boot device in boot order.

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13 minutes ago, Carbongrip said:

If it was on a UEFI shell window then it couldn't find a boot device. You need to set the Install ISO as boot device in boot order.

That make sense! It should load ISO first.


But I more concerned about black screen :( 

Do you have any suggestion on this?



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On 4/27/2020 at 5:52 AM, RickD00 said:

I tried it with VNC it was on UEFI Shell window

Type "exit" in the UEFI shell window and "continue" in the BIOS that opens. VM reboots and now you should see the the hint to "press any button to boot from the install media". Keep in mind this hint only shows a couple seconds and without pressing any button you will end in the UEFI shell again. Starting a VM and not quickly enough connecting with VNC you will miss this part. Also your boot order might be wrong. Post the xml of the VM.

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