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Disk on error state/Rebuild required?

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Hi all, hope some of you guys can help me.


First I would like to provide you with some background of the hardware I'm running, these are the specs and configurations:

  • Processor: Core i5 8400
  • Motherboard: AsRock Z370 ITX
  • Hard Drives: 6 drives/4Tb each (1 Parity/5 for storage)
  • Unassigned Devices: 1 250 Gb SSD (Plex Database)/1 500Gb HDD (Downloads and files conversion to x265)
  • Expansion Cards: 1 SAS9211-8i


I'm having problems with a drive on my UnRAID Box that appears as "Disabled" and its content is being "emulated" by parity. The one that is having problems is the array's 5th drive, it currently does not contain any data since I just added it to the array 2 weeks ago; the drive was precleared and SMART properties show no problems or rellocated sectors. Additionally, the 500 Gb HDD is also failing to be mounted/unmounted.


You should know that the aforementioned failing drives are the only ones plugged to the SAS9211-8i expansion card, so, my guess is that the card has some kind of failure; I'll be buying a new one today.


So guys, due to this situation I have some questions:

  1. Should I remove the SAS card and both hard drives?
  2. If I remove UnRAID's 5th HDD from the array a parity rebuild will be needed? If that's the case, do you know what steps are required to shrink the array?
  3. Is there a way to keep the "emulated" state on the array until the new SAS card arrives and then swap it, plug the failing 5th HDD and "clear" the "disabled" state?
  4. Since this 5th HDD was precleared and is untouched (it does not contain data), if I try to reinclude it as part of the array when the new SAS card arrives, a new preclear process will be required?


By the way, if it helps attached are my system diagnostics.


Thanks in advance for your help.


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Hi Johnnie, thank you for taking the time to answer me.


Do you know if there is a guide I can follow to update the firmware and where to download it? Sorry for asking this, I know I can google it but I have 0 experience with flashing SAS cards.

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