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Converting from ReiserFS to XFS

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I'm following the guide HERE to convert from ReisferFS to XFS. I just finished the entire procedure to replace my /mnt/disk1 with my swap drive being /mnt/disk8.   Once I had the array back up I noticed that my new XFS  /mnt/disk1 (which was previously disk8) had all the data copied into a sub-directory named "/disk1"  instead of at the root level of the disk.  After I noticed this, I immediately stopped the array, and reverted things back to the original configuration.  I did start any dockers or have any clients that would have wrote to the array, so my parity drive I'm hoping is still valid.


I ran the following command.. so not sure why rsync did the copy this way..





Here's what my XFS swapper disk8 looks like with all the data from disk1 in the /disk1 sub-directory





Here's what my actual ReiserFS disk1 contents look like...





Now that I wrote this is it because I didn't put the trailing "/" for each directory in the rsync command..


Should've done "rsync -avPX /mnt/disk1/ /mnt/disk8/" instead of "rsync -avPX /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk8"


Is the best thing to do, is erase everything on /mnt/disk10 and start the rsync all over again(took about 2 days) or take another path?

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22 hours ago, jonathanm said:

Easiest thing to do is move the content of the new Disk1 folder to the root of the disk. You can do that using mc at the command line, it should only take seconds.

MC as in midnight commander? Or just use the mv -rf command to move everything from the /Disk1 subdirectory to the root directory? This still won’t take up a lot of time due parity?

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