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Questions regarding dying HDD

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(Hope I'm in the correct section of the forum)

I'm starting to get errors on my WD Red 8TB, and wondering how critical it is for me to replace, as in.... what time frame are we talking about here.


Raw read error rate                           0x000b  100  100  016    Pre-fail      Always  Never  0

2 Throughput performance                 0x0005  131  131  054     Pre-fail      Offline  Never  116

3 Spin up time                                   0x0007  148  148  024    Pre-fail      Always  Never  454 (average 432)

4 Start stop count                             0x0012  100  100  000    Old age     Always  Never  20

5 Reallocated sector count                0x0033  100  100  005    Pre-fail     Always  Never  19

7 Seek error rate                               0x000b  100  100  067    Pre-fail     Always  Never  0

8 Seek time performance                   0x0005  128  128  020    Pre-fail    Offline  Never  18

9 Power on hours                              0x0012  096  096  000    Old age   Always  Never  29766 (3y, 4m, 23d, 6h)

10 Spin retry count                           0x0013  100  100  060    Pre-fail      Always  Never  0

12 Power cycle count                        0x0032  100  100  000    Old age    Always  Never  20

22 Helium level                                 0x0023  100  100  025    Pre-fail     Always  Never  100

192 Power-off retract count              0x0032  064  064  000    Old age   Always  Never  43353

193 Load cycle count                       0x0012  064  064  000    Old age    Always  Never  43353

194 Temperature celsius                  0x0002  162  162  000    Old age     Always  Never  37 (min/max 24/47)

196 Reallocated event count           0x0032  100  100  000    Old age     Always  Never  19

197 Current pending sector             0x0022  100  100  000    Old age     Always  Never  0

198 Offline uncorrectable                0x0008  100  100  000    Old age     Offline  Never  0

199 UDMA CRC error count              0x000a  200  200  000    Old age    Always  Never  0


I'm also wondering how I can find out why this drive in particular is being used so much more than any of the others. (4x 8TB WD RED installed same date)

See attachment (Disk two is the dying one)



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So what is a "few" in this case? Sure, if I see a rapid increase then obviously I would have to do something soon, but you say they can be stable which ofc makes me want to believe the drive might be still be good for some time. Assuming read errors are where I would stop using the drive all together?

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5 minutes ago, Mokkisjeva said:

So what is a "few" in this case?

For me up to low double digits reallocate sectors are just "a few".


6 minutes ago, Mokkisjeva said:

Assuming read errors are where I would stop using the drive all together?

If the dive fails an extended SMART test or gives read errors on parity check it should be replaced now, independent of how may reallocated sectors there are.

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Update: After 4 days the reallocate sector value is now 60, so it just keep going up at a steady pace.

New drive on the way and I'm currently moving files off the disk. What I'm wondering is if there's a chance a cable or mb port could be the issue?

It's just so weird it happened after upgrading HW, like first reallocate sector warning came day after new rig.


If so, would new cable/port and a preclear "reveal" all the bad sectors?

Edited by Mokkisjeva
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34 minutes ago, Mokkisjeva said:

If so, would new cable/port and a preclear "reveal" all the bad sectors?

Cable/port won't make any difference (unless there's a problem with the power, bad power can in some cases cause pending/reallocated sectors), preclear or a full write might or not mark/reallocate all bad sectors, difficult to say.

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