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All disks become unmountable at same time. No File System

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Today when I was playing with my (< 1 week old) server I started running into issues. It seems like all my disks have become unmountable at the same time... All I know is I spun down 2 (unused) drives because a drive hit 50C, then I started getting read errors on all 3, then when I restarted the array they were all taken down... It would be reallll bad if I lost all this data, can someone please help me with this? its weird they all go down at the same time. I cant protect against every drive in my array failing at the same time... What are my options here?


Edit: I guess my parity drive is still good, for all the good that will do me.

Edited by not_your_duck
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I mean yes I should have had another copy of this data, but this is my first week with Unraid with completely new drives. To me this is significantly more safe than it used to be. But if I never once had a data failure over 5 years with external drives I dont understand why a week into using unraid Im already dealing with 3 failed disks. I dont mean to be rude, and im sorry if im coming on strong, just slightly upset here. 



Edited by not_your_duck
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Shut down, fix your cooling problems, check all connections, power and SATA, both ends, including any power splitters.


I see you have Marvell controller, possibly on the motherboard, and Intel SATA controller as well. You might try not using the Marvell ports, or disabling IOMMU (vt-d in Intel) in the BIOS, I know some have had better success with Marvell if they don't have IOMMU enabled.


After exploring all that, boot up again and post new diagnostics.

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