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Pulling my hair out

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I know just enough to really screw something up.  While I was successful in building my server a few years ago and have been running Plex with no issues, I was trying to switch to the newest official Plex app after losing the ability to access my libraries and now I'm in a pickle.  My main concern is not doing anything to lose any data.  So far, all my content is still accessible over the network, just not via Plex.  I have 74+ TB of movies and TV shows so I want to move carefully.  I am stuck at trying to update from Unraid Ver 6.0.1 (I know I'm well behind but if it wasn't broke, I didn't want to break it).  When I attempt to update I get the following:

"Wrong MD5  

plugin: run failed: /bin/bash retval: 1"


This began when trying to access Plex through the web interface but the log shows "setuser: user plex not found".  At this point, if I have to completely reinstall Plex and rescrape everything, so be it, but I can't seem to get anywhere until I can update my version of Unraid.  I am literally having a panic attack over totally screwing things up.  How can I update Unraid so I can attempt to get Plex operable again?  Thanks

Edited by Chris Solo
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That is so old I have to wonder how you had plex installed. Was it even a docker? Was Tools - Diagnostics even available then? If so post them.


Probably the best idea is going to be a clean install, keeping only your disks assignments (config/super.dat) and the license .key (config/*.key).


Study the Upgrade wiki linked below and come back with more information about your current setup and any questions.




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Thanks for the reply and the link.  I will certainly study the wiki.  I was indeed using a docker for plex.  Like I said, it will definitely suck if I have to re-build my Plex setup and re-do all my customizations (custom genres, posters, etc) but that is totally fine as long as I don't lose my content.  Fingers crossed I can work through this successfully.

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10 hours ago, Chris Solo said:

I was trying to switch to the newest official Plex app

Do you know which plex docker you were running? Some from that long ago time are deprecated now, but you may be able to keep the library when you migrate to a new plex docker. The "official" plex docker has no support thread on this forum so if you decide to use it you will have to go to the plex forums.


Linuxserver.io (the one I use) and binhex plex dockers are often used these days.


See here about migrating to another plex docker:




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I don't know which docker I was using but it was from 4+ years ago so it makes sense that it would be deprecated.  The only thing I use Unraid for is Plex so if I can switch to a newer even being on Unraid 6.0.1 I would be thrilled.  I'll go check the Plex forums out.  Thanks again!!!

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